A-Z of Program Design: Maximal Aerobic Speed

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A-Z of Program Design: Maximal Aerobic Speed

Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) based intervals is a unique metabolic conditioning training methodology as it allows for intervals to be pre-set to a percentage of an athlete’s vVO2max or MAS. Hence, the programmed MAS intervals are specific to an individual with a specific pre-determined speed, rather than being set to a pre-set work-to-rest ratio only. MAS training is now regularly applied within strength and conditioning practice, with previous research demonstrating significant improvements not only in aerobic performance but also in concurrent anaerobic performance measures (Dupont et al, 2004). 

Before implementing MAS-based intervals within athlete preparation, an athlete’s 100% MAS must be first established, with the selected MAS testing method being highly dependent upon the athlete's chosen sport. Once an athlete's MAS score has been established, the strength and conditioning coach must decide what percentage of MAS an athlete will be trained at, the duration of each planned interval, the number of times the interval will be performed and how the MAS training will be periodised over the training mesocycle. Therefore, the aim of this short bite-sized course is to provide coaches with a greater level of clarity on the correct periodisation and programming of MAS training.

Over four modules, the concepts of MAS testing, MAS testing considerations, MAS programming and periodisation, and group MAS training strategies are explored. MAS mesocycle design, micro-cycle design, and the periodisation of MAS using a linear and undulating model are all explained, with working examples provided in real-world coaching practice. 

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, you will understand:

  • The bioenergetic systems and they relate to aerobic and anaerobic performance, including desired training adaptations that occur as a result of MAS training
  • How to test for MAS, and the additional factors which should be considered when testing for Maximal Aerobic Speed
  • How to correctly program and implement submaximal, maximal and supramaximal MAS training, using varying MAS training methods including the EuroFit, Grid, and Tabata MAS training methods
  • How to correctly periodised and implement MAS training within a pre-season and in-season training phase
  • How to correctly periodised and implement MAS training within speed and agility training, technical / tactical training and as a stand alone session

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