WeFlex ASD Package: Behaviours of Concern + Sensory Needs

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WeFlex ASD Package: Behaviours of Concern + Sensory Needs

Combing our Behaviours of Concern module and Sensory Needs module, the WeFlex ASD Package provides you with information, skills and considerations to be a more inclusive fitness professional.

Behaviours of Concern - Behaviour is communication, and for some clients a more expressive and effective way of communicating needs - especially for those who aren’t verbal communicators. 

This module unpacks the nature of behaviours of concern, and how you can appropriately respond to it, whilst keeping your client happy, engaged and safe. 

Sensory Needs - We ALL have sensory needs and preferences. But for clients who have trouble regulating sensory input, it can be the difference between an engaging experience and a stressful one. This module explores sensory processing difficulties in clients, debunks some myths and provides you with tools you need to provide a sensory-friendly experience for your client.

For more information please click here

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