Code of Practice for Public Spaces
As a result of COVID-19, we recognize that Personal Trainers have had to adapt to a series of new and ever-changing restrictions. Of particular note, is the rise of outdoor training during periods where indoor sessions are not possible or heavily restricted. In the state of Victoria, the opportunity to train clients outdoors will be the first chance there is to run face-to-face sessions.
How is the FITREC Code of Practice for Public Spaces different?
FITREC recruited stakeholders and experts to help develop a document that is plain-speaking and functional. More than just a document to assure local governments that our registered professionals understand best practices, the FITREC Code of Practice for Public Spaces provides a practical framework for the operation of outdoor sessions.
The key principles of the FITREC Code of Practice for Public Spaces focus on...
- Safety of your clients, yourself and the general public is the highest priority
- Adopt an attitude of “Minimal touch” to the surrounding community, environment, and others sharing the space
- ‘Do not destroy what you’re there to enjoy’ - Leave the activity location in the identical or improved state/condition upon completion/departure than what it was upon arrival
- High standards of compliance with relevant codes and regulations.
- Continuous improvement in standards of professionalism and performance - We don’t just represent ourselves, we represent the industry as a whole.
- Everyone who works in our industry should equally treat and show respect to others, from all walks of life at all times.
Ensuring that the new Code of Practice for Public Spaces is a resource that professionals will refer back to, we've made it easy to read and wholly specific to running outdoor sessions. Professionals referring to the code will find...
- Clarity around your obligations as a professional using public spaces
- The importance of building and maintaining your connection with Council officers.
- Key parameters and expectations you need to be aware of when working in public spaces
- Clarifying your activity workflow - including 'arrive, activate, pack up & depart'
- Key considerations for risk assessment, including minimising the spread of COVID-19
- Complaints resolutions, emergency procedures, information resources, and more.
Since launching in 2015, FITREC has led a number of major innovations around registration, all designed to raise standards and smooth the path toward best practice. The new FITREC Code of Practice for Public Spaces continues in this trend. Further evidence that FITREC is the registration provider we need when adaptation and innovation in the fitness industry are paramount.
The FITREC Code of Practice for Public Spaces will soon be available to FITREC registered professionals via their dashboard. In the meantime, if you'd like a copy, please get in touch with Luis ([email protected]) and he'll forward you a copy.