Registered Course Provider

Australian Fitness Academy (AFA)

701 Glen Huntly Rd, Caulfield, Victoria 3162

1300 232 348

Established 1993 100/100
References 0/100

Registration Expires 14 Jan 2026

Lauren Coyle

Personal Training


Thomas Rock

Personal Training


Aaron Spence

Personal Training


Jess Robb

Personal Training


Jack Smith

Personal Training, BDM


Eddie Han

Personal Training


Established in 1993, the Australian Fitness Academy specialises in the delivery of nationally accredited fitness and personal training qualifications.


We have assisted thousands of graduates for more than 30 years create rewarding careers as exercise professionals via the SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness.


As the leading online fitness education provider in the country, we have developed a course that is interactive, engaging and insightful, equipping students with the knowledge and skills required to become a fully-qualified Gym Instructor, Group Exercise Instructor and Personal Trainer.


We also work with a large range of organisations across the fitness industry to support our students throughout their entire learning journey with us, from enrolment right through to graduation.